My Story

Get to know me

My Story

Hey there! I’m Silvio Mac Donald, and I’d love to share my journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurship with you.

Check out my blog at – your go-to spot for tips on mastering the online business world, from marketing to setting up a killer website.

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Now, picture a world where everyone can build their dream online business using their unique skills. That’s the dream that led me to create this blog.

Born and raised in South America with a mix of Scottish, Jewish, Native Indian, Creole, and Javanese roots, my background is a colorful tapestry of traditions.

My parents were my guiding stars as I was growing up. Along with emphasizing strong moral principles, they also allowed me the opportunity to follow my passions and learn from both my successes and disappointments.

I was able to stretch my wings, overcome obstacles, and find my inner strength because of this independence.

As an introvert, this supportive environment assisted me in developing my extroverted side, allowing me to have meaningful relationships with people.

Despite some bumps in the academic road (thanks, high school band obsession), I bounced back, rocked a Digital Multimedia and Communication program in the Netherlands, and dove headfirst into the world of multimedia creation.

Life’s not all business, though. I’m a book devourer, especially into psychology, philosophy, and all that good stuff.

But I also know the importance of family time, bedtime stories, and savoring a juicy steak on Sundays.

So, here’s the deal: I’ve been through the ups and downs, but I’m not done.

My goal? Lead the Internet Business Community and share the wisdom I’ve picked up.

Just like my mentors did for me, I want to empower folks worldwide with tips, tools, and strategies to carve their path to success.

Ready to join me on this crazy adventure?

Let’s unlock our creative power and unleash that entrepreneurial spirit.

The future is bursting with possibilities, and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.

If you wish to explore some of my articles which are entirely free to read, jump right in!

For some of my professional achievements, scroll down and explore those as well.


media production

I’ve been involved in many projects of all sizes. From flashy events and catchy commercials to viral social ads and persuasive campaigns.


brand consulting

I’ve helped businesses boost their brand and get noticed. I’m not just a consultant, I’m a collaborator who cares about your success.


Here’s Some of my work

Watch My work on my YouTube channel